Aaron was born and raised on the mean streets of Salt Lake City. His only hope
for survival was to join the local gang of undercover street ballet performers
known as the Tender Tights. As a Tender Tights member, Aaron learned to
perfect the technique of self-defense pirouettes so that nobody, not even the
Parkour Posse could catch him. Between vicious street dance-offs, Aaron taught
himself to program. He learned to combine the art of street ballet with the
craft of software engineering. Using these unique skills, he was able to leave
his life on the streets and become a professional software engineer. He is
currently Pirouetting through Processes, and Couruing through code for Red Hat.
Sometimes he thinks back fondly on his life in the Tender Tights, but then he
remembers that it is better to have Tender Loved and Lost than to never have
Tender Taught at all.