Antoinette has been part of the Agile movement since working with the pioneers in 1996. She spent several years as Agile team member developing software products. She became an Agile mentor in 2005, then started her Agile Team Coaching career with the Agile Coaching Institute in the US in 2009. Her affinity for coaching as a tool convinced her to start her training as professional coach in Organisational and Relationships System Coaching in 2012. She went on to certify as Enterprise Agile Coach in the first Enterprise Agile Coaching cohort in the US in 2014/15. Since then she has focused on growing agility across and at the enterprise level with a strong focus on leaders at all levels growing their inner agility. She believes change is at its most powerful and lasting when it is brought about by those inside an organisation and defines her work as the development and support of internal leaders to transform and develop their own organisations. Although coaching sits at the heart of achieving this objective, her years of Agile and Lean experience in many different industries and organizational levels helps cocreate new possibilities for organisations wanting to grow their agility.
Antoinette collaborates extensively with the front-runners in Agile coaching and leadership world-wide to train and develop Scrum Masters, Team Coaches, Enterprise Coaches and Agile Leaders. She is a coach of coaches, through training and mentoring, as well as one-on-one coaching. In line with that aim she often helps organisations set up internal coaching competencies. She loves her home continent, Africa, and is also very active in community initiatives to grow coaches and facilitators.
Her training as professional coach extends her repertoire to working with teams in non-Agile contexts. Her forte is changing leadership culture and growing high performance in leadership teams, including teams in conflict. She is a certified Leadership Circle Profile coach.
Antoinette is an accomplished speaker and regularly delivers talks and workshops on agility, leadership and transformation at local and international conferences.