Having worked in software for 30 years I focus my energy and efforts working with executives to create the conditions where teams can flourish developing business value. I facilitate team learning and interdependent work. This includes assessments, focused coaching, public and private workshops.
I lead sessions at Agile meetups across the southeast, from Richmond, VA to Knoxville, TN to Charleston, SC. Topics range from Agile fundamentals to team dynamics to shaping Agile Adoptions.
I co-wrote two books with Jerry Weinberg, Esther Derby and Johanna Rothman: “Center Enter Turn Sustain: Essays on Change Artistry” https://leanpub.com/changeartistry and “Readings for Problems-Solving Leadership” https://leanpub.com/pslreader You can find the articles I’ve written for free at http://www.donaldegray.com/category/article/