Jodi brings her strength of executive coaching from the Get Momentum Leadership Academy to the stage. Her firsthand experience of business management, marketing and customer service translates to the fast paced and demanding roles that face busy professionals today. Jodi focuses on delivering immediately practical solutions to the opportunities all business professionals face. She coauthored a book with her husband, Jason Womack, titled, Get Momentum: How to start when you’re stuck. (Wiley, 2016). She writes about building your business by building your professional network for business magazines like Fast Company online and
She started her first company ( because she saw a need in her business community. She attended local networking events and thought they were DREADFUL. So she started her own. It started off as a cocktail party with 13 friends that all owned their own companies or were senior managers in larger organizations. Since then, she’s hosted business gatherings as she traveled to New York, London, Zurich and beyond. As a result of producing her own events, she’s created an online coaching and training company with her husband, Jason, that teaches business professionals how to “Get Momentum” in work and life. (