Measure the Impact of Your Agile Investment

Isaac Montgomery | 10:00am — 11:15am

Organizations don’t invest their time, energy and money to “be agile”. They expect to see tangible improvements in productivity, predictability, quality, responsiveness, customer and employee satisfaction. They expect results. we’ll discuss 7 metrics to drive improvement in your organization. For each, we’ll show you how to calculate and interpret them; we’ll discuss abuse cases that can have undesired effects and how to avoid those. Additionally, we’ll discuss the applicability of each metric. Is it useful for benchmarking? Driving behavior? Correlation with leading indicators? Planning?

The aim of this session is to drive discussion on how to create and sustain a culture of measurement in organizations transitioning to Agile. We will leverage approximately 45 minutes worth of presentation material to instigate questions and comments that yield an ongoing conversation with and amongst participants.

Rather than a typical presentation followed by Q&A, we will engage the audience continuously by asking questions of the audience, and soliciting comments. We will keep the discussion moving by time-boxing each area of measurement (see learning objectives) up to 10 minutes.

Isaac Montgomery is an Agile Coach and Consultant with Rally Software. His experience includes over 15 years of project leadership, management and consulting for software development organizations in the military, energy, financial services and medical solutions industries.

Isaac’s passion is focused on guiding IT organizations through their transformation from a rigid, bureaucratic cost center to a nimble, high performing value delivery engine by harnessing the power and simplicity of empowered Agile teams, and incorporating Lean principles in the organization’s management systems.

Isaac enjoys collaborating with his clients and colleagues; and experimenting with innovative approaches to increasing the value, flexibility and joy involved in delivering exceptional solutions.

Isaac is a certified PMP and Scrum Master / Practitioner. He holds a B.S. in Information Management and a Masters in Business Administration. In his free time you will find Isaac at the park with his twin sons or on the golf course destroying his self-esteem.