Scot Burdette | 01:30 – 02:45
Many organizations adopt agile development processes to increase business collaboration and flexibility. Through the implementation of agile methods they find themselves focusing on the efficiency of agile. Unfortunately in many cases, that is where they stop. While yielding results, the return is limited without a focus on the business value being generated within the organization.
This interactive session moves the conversation beyond the “how” agile development works to highlight the “what” your agile organization should be delivering, and why. Driving your organization to capture and measure true business value will produce the results your business sponsors and stakeholder demand in today’s economy.
Scot leverages 28 years of application development and integration experience to deliver enterprise platforms and solutions producing measureable business value. For the past 10 years Scot has led ICC’s Application Services division in creating technical solutions to drive revenue and reduce costs for national and global businesses. Through ICC’s business centric agile approach, ICC develops high value solutions to complex technical and business requirements.