Jim Weirich | 03:15 – 04:30
A Code Kata is a simple programming exercise, practiced repeatably by a developer. Much like a musician practices scales and finger exercises to develop his musical skills, a developer will practice code katas to develop his programming skills.
This talk will be a live performance of a simple TDD-based code Kata, followed by an analysis of the forces and choices involved in the feedback loop between the code and the tests encountered during the kata. By examining this interaction of tests and code, we come to a better understanding of how to use tests to actively affect the direction of our design. By reflecting on the process, we understand how to pick “what to test next”.
This talk is targeted for developers who have started using Test Driven Design (TDD) and feel that they don’t quite “get it” yet, and are looking for guidance in the technique.
Jim Weirich first learned about computers when his college adviser suggested he take a computer science course: “It will be useful, and you might enjoy it.” With those prophetic words, Jim has been developing now for over 25 years, working with everything from crunching rocket launch data on supercomputers to wiring up servos and LEDs on micro-controllers. Currently he loves working in Ruby and Rails as the Chief Scientist at New Context, but you can also find him strumming on his ukulele as time permits.